You can view all previous newsletters here.
\n3 Selfish ways to live
1. Say no to people - the more you say no to people, the more you will say yes to things that are important for you.
2. Make your happiness your no. 1 priority - until you are not happy, people around you will never be happy around you.
3. Remove those who suck energy from you
3 Cool rules for life
1. The 30-day rule: If you really want to buy something, wait for 30 days and ask yourself if you still need it. Chances are you won't need them anymore.
2. The 2-minutes rule: If something can be done in less than 2 minutes, get it done. Don't add it to your to-do list and pile up on that list.
3. Fundamental relationship rule: If you have to become someone that you do not like, in a relationship, then change the relationship, not yourself.
3 Mistakes parents make
1. Hit the floor when the kid falls - essentially teaching kids that it is not their fault. They can always blame someone else.
2. Love the other child if the first one is angry - essentially teaching kids that if you do not listen to me, I will not love you. Thus spoiling their definition of love.
3. Tell them something that you do not personally follow - essentially teaching kids that lying is a natural way of living.
3 signs of toxic people
1. They make you feel bad about who you are.
2. They make you feel guilty if they are sad.
3. They always blame you if you are not there for them.
3 things best friends do
1. They are genuinely happy for your success. It is easy to be there when someone is sad, but it is intensely hard to be truly happy when someone else wins.
2. They always tell you the truth. Knowing that the truth will be hard, and you might not talk to them after that. Yet they state it, because it is the right thing to do.
3. They do not hold you responsible for their happiness. They do not say \"why aren't you there for me, why do you not make me happy?\" Instead, they ask \"How can I make you happy?\"
3 relationship mistakes
1. Don't be a people pleaser. The more your identity depends on what others think of you, the lesser you will be happy in your life.
2. Don't judge people. I used to judge people who smoke, drank, thinking they are bad people. It is not what they do, but who they are within, that defines them.
3. Don't always solve problems. Sometimes all that one wants is for them to be heard.
3 Mistakes to avoid in your 20s
1. Not taking care of your body. In your 20s, the long term impact of your decisions will not be visible. It is only much later in life you will realize how you abused your body.
2. Not thinking about your money. Not respecting it. Not investing it, so that it can work for you.
3. Spending time with people who are like you. When you spend time with people like you, you learn nothing new. You just hear what you already know.
3 signs that you have a long way to go
1. You get angry a lot. You feel that anger is a legitimate way of expressing yourself.
2. If someone says anything mean to you even for 30 seconds, you spend the entire day thinking about it.
3. You still crave for people's validation. Until you do not hear good things about yourself from people, you don't feel good about yourself.
3 tips to boost your confidence
1. Dating - it helps you forge relationships and be genuinely curious about others.
2. Approaching strangers - it helps you get comfortable with the fear of being rejected.
3. Sending cold emails - it helps you articulate yourself and seek help objectively.
3 things you should never apologize for
1. For the clothes you wear - it is your choice, it is your life. Do not give anyone the power to shame you!
2. For ending a toxic relationship - you watched out for yourself and did the right thing.
3. For being who you are - you can apologize for what you have done, or what you shouldn't have said, but don't ever apologize for your identity, your existence.
PS: 3 things is proven to be the best form of retention. 2 or less is considered inadequate and 4 or more is considered an overkill (and too hard to remember). That is why my fascination with number 3, especially in my IG reels :))
\nI am reading The Carbon Almanac
This is Seth Godin's latest book, which is not written by him. Instead 300 volunteers across 40 countries got together and weaved this book, under Seth's guidance, over the course of 3+ months.
It is, I would argue, the most comprehensive book on Climate Change I have read so far. It is a patient book, assumes you do not know much but are keen to. And then it builds up to how you can help bring about system change.
I had a chance to speak to Seth about this book (thanks Pranav for connecting us). The video will be up soon.
\nAlso, I announced the name of the 2nd book (to be released this December) - GET EPIC SHIT DONE :))
\nIt is written in a QnA format between a student and a teacher and I loved the experience of writing it.
Here is the video where I announced the book.
My book DO EPIC SHIT is now available in Hindi, Marathi and Tamil.
Of course, also in English :)
190,000+ copies sold.
3 more languages coming up! (Including Portuguese)
\nIf you want to be successful, stop giving away your time to those who simply take it without asking you for it.
(Share on Twitter)
The face can be misleading.\n Fall in love with the mind.
(Share on Twitter)
Do not choose the person you learn from. Choose what you learn from them.
(Share on Twitter)
\nLast week I asked you:
\nAccording to you, which are the top 3 sections of this newsletter?
\nHere are the responses:
\nMy response?
I personally like the main topic the best, followed by quotes and the survey results.
\nFor the long weekend we took a trip to Goa with friends. This picture is of a hike we did, to reach this view. Breathtaking!
Goa is conclusively one of favorite places in India during the monsoons. What a beauty :)
\nIf you have 5 mins to kill, which of these are you most likely to do?
\nClick here to let me know your answer (anonymously)
Title of episode: 15 thoughts
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.
Top 5 Financial Calculators
You can watch it here.
Difficult to love these 3 kinds of people
You can watch it here.
13 clever hacks to save money
You can read it here.
\nYou can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.
\nI love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Baarish mein chole bhature khaane ki kasam)
\nYou can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.
\n\n","recentPosts":[{"id":8347682,"title":"Exactly 20 yrs back I received an email...","slug":"exactly-20-yrs-back-i-received-an-email","status":"published","readingTime":4,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-06T12:10:28.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-06T12:10:28.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-06T12:10:28.000Z","timeAgo":"1 day","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/exactly-20-yrs-back-i-received-an-email","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"That email changed my life Exactly 20 years back, I received an email announcing the start of an important year. A year that changed my life. I had dropped out of my PhD program a year back (in 2004), came back to India from the US after giving up on what was a dream life - 100% scholarship, a generous stipend, top of my class, on a fast track to complete my PhD.Everyone was devastated. Disappointed in me. I was disappointed in me! Everyone around me (well intentioned) kept saying only one...","campaignId":18580666,"publicationId":15137269,"metaDescription":""},{"id":8269157,"title":"Do you want to own an expensive car?","slug":"do-you-want-to-own-an-expensive-car","status":"published","readingTime":3,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-02-27T09:31:26.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-02-27T09:31:26.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-02-27T09:31:26.000Z","timeAgo":"9 days","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/do-you-want-to-own-an-expensive-car","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Why are expensive cars expensive? What makes a Mercedes so expensive, or a Ferrari even more expensive? It is not the leather seating, the fancy music system, the cool sunroof, or the large display. Of course, these things do add to the cost, but if you truly cared about these things and went about adding them separately on your own, you would be able to do it. And you would realize that their cost is not significantly huge as a percentage of overall cost. What makes a car expensive, then?The...","campaignId":18490602,"publicationId":15046879,"metaDescription":""},{"id":8196776,"title":"Why are our 20s so hard?","slug":"why-are-our-20s-so-hard","status":"published","readingTime":2,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-02-20T09:37:57.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-02-20T09:37:57.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-02-20T09:37:57.000Z","timeAgo":"16 days","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/why-are-our-20s-so-hard","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Struggling in your 20s? Why are your 20s so challenging? Because the four pillars of life feel like they’re all in flux: Relationships Old-school friendships fade. New college bonds aren’t fully formed. Work friendships feel untrustworthy. Romantic relationships are confusing because we don’t yet understand ourselves. Family ties become strained because they don’t fully understand us. CareerConstantly unsure of our paths. Everyone else seems to be doing better. We don’t love our jobs. We...","campaignId":18401645,"publicationId":14957519,"metaDescription":""}],"newsletter":{"formId":2185601,"productId":null,"productUrl":null,"featuredPostId":null,"subscribersOnly":false},"isPaidSubscriber":false,"isSubscriber":false,"originUrl":"","creatorProfileName":"warikoo Wanderings","creatorProfileId":17253}warikoo Wanderings
You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.
You can view all previous newsletters here.
3 Selfish ways to live
1. Say no to people - the more you say no to people, the more you will say yes to things that are important for you.
2. Make your happiness your no. 1 priority - until you are not happy, people around you will never be happy around you.
3. Remove those who suck energy from you
3 Cool rules for life
1. The 30-day rule: If you really want to buy something, wait for 30 days and ask yourself if you still need it. Chances are you won't need them anymore.
2. The 2-minutes rule: If something can be done in less than 2 minutes, get it done. Don't add it to your to-do list and pile up on that list.
3. Fundamental relationship rule: If you have to become someone that you do not like, in a relationship, then change the relationship, not yourself.
3 Mistakes parents make
1. Hit the floor when the kid falls - essentially teaching kids that it is not their fault. They can always blame someone else.
2. Love the other child if the first one is angry - essentially teaching kids that if you do not listen to me, I will not love you. Thus spoiling their definition of love.
3. Tell them something that you do not personally follow - essentially teaching kids that lying is a natural way of living.
3 signs of toxic people
1. They make you feel bad about who you are.
2. They make you feel guilty if they are sad.
3. They always blame you if you are not there for them.
3 things best friends do
1. They are genuinely happy for your success. It is easy to be there when someone is sad, but it is intensely hard to be truly happy when someone else wins.
2. They always tell you the truth. Knowing that the truth will be hard, and you might not talk to them after that. Yet they state it, because it is the right thing to do.
3. They do not hold you responsible for their happiness. They do not say "why aren't you there for me, why do you not make me happy?" Instead, they ask "How can I make you happy?"
3 relationship mistakes
1. Don't be a people pleaser. The more your identity depends on what others think of you, the lesser you will be happy in your life.
2. Don't judge people. I used to judge people who smoke, drank, thinking they are bad people. It is not what they do, but who they are within, that defines them.
3. Don't always solve problems. Sometimes all that one wants is for them to be heard.
3 Mistakes to avoid in your 20s
1. Not taking care of your body. In your 20s, the long term impact of your decisions will not be visible. It is only much later in life you will realize how you abused your body.
2. Not thinking about your money. Not respecting it. Not investing it, so that it can work for you.
3. Spending time with people who are like you. When you spend time with people like you, you learn nothing new. You just hear what you already know.
3 signs that you have a long way to go
1. You get angry a lot. You feel that anger is a legitimate way of expressing yourself.
2. If someone says anything mean to you even for 30 seconds, you spend the entire day thinking about it.
3. You still crave for people's validation. Until you do not hear good things about yourself from people, you don't feel good about yourself.
3 tips to boost your confidence
1. Dating - it helps you forge relationships and be genuinely curious about others.
2. Approaching strangers - it helps you get comfortable with the fear of being rejected.
3. Sending cold emails - it helps you articulate yourself and seek help objectively.
3 things you should never apologize for
1. For the clothes you wear - it is your choice, it is your life. Do not give anyone the power to shame you!
2. For ending a toxic relationship - you watched out for yourself and did the right thing.
3. For being who you are - you can apologize for what you have done, or what you shouldn't have said, but don't ever apologize for your identity, your existence.
PS: 3 things is proven to be the best form of retention. 2 or less is considered inadequate and 4 or more is considered an overkill (and too hard to remember). That is why my fascination with number 3, especially in my IG reels :))
I am reading The Carbon Almanac
This is Seth Godin's latest book, which is not written by him. Instead 300 volunteers across 40 countries got together and weaved this book, under Seth's guidance, over the course of 3+ months.
It is, I would argue, the most comprehensive book on Climate Change I have read so far. It is a patient book, assumes you do not know much but are keen to. And then it builds up to how you can help bring about system change.
I had a chance to speak to Seth about this book (thanks Pranav for connecting us). The video will be up soon.
Also, I announced the name of the 2nd book (to be released this December) - GET EPIC SHIT DONE :))
It is written in a QnA format between a student and a teacher and I loved the experience of writing it.
Here is the video where I announced the book.
My book DO EPIC SHIT is now available in Hindi, Marathi and Tamil.
Of course, also in English :)
190,000+ copies sold.
3 more languages coming up! (Including Portuguese)
If you want to be successful, stop giving away your time to those who simply take it without asking you for it.
(Share on Twitter)
The face can be misleading.
Fall in love with the mind.
(Share on Twitter)
Do not choose the person you learn from. Choose what you learn from them.
(Share on Twitter)
Last week I asked you:
According to you, which are the top 3 sections of this newsletter?
Here are the responses:
My response?
I personally like the main topic the best, followed by quotes and the survey results.
For the long weekend we took a trip to Goa with friends. This picture is of a hike we did, to reach this view. Breathtaking!
Goa is conclusively one of favorite places in India during the monsoons. What a beauty :)
If you have 5 mins to kill, which of these are you most likely to do?
Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)
Title of episode: 15 thoughts
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.
Top 5 Financial Calculators
You can watch it here.
Difficult to love these 3 kinds of people
You can watch it here.
13 clever hacks to save money
You can read it here.
You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.
I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Baarish mein chole bhature khaane ki kasam)
You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.
Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 15M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.
That email changed my life Exactly 20 years back, I received an email announcing the start of an important year. A year that changed my life. I had dropped out of my PhD program a year back (in 2004), came back to India from the US after giving up on what was a dream life - 100% scholarship, a generous stipend, top of my class, on a fast track to complete my PhD.Everyone was devastated. Disappointed in me. I was disappointed in me! Everyone around me (well intentioned) kept saying only one...
Why are expensive cars expensive? What makes a Mercedes so expensive, or a Ferrari even more expensive? It is not the leather seating, the fancy music system, the cool sunroof, or the large display. Of course, these things do add to the cost, but if you truly cared about these things and went about adding them separately on your own, you would be able to do it. And you would realize that their cost is not significantly huge as a percentage of overall cost. What makes a car expensive, then?The...
Struggling in your 20s? Why are your 20s so challenging? Because the four pillars of life feel like they’re all in flux: Relationships Old-school friendships fade. New college bonds aren’t fully formed. Work friendships feel untrustworthy. Romantic relationships are confusing because we don’t yet understand ourselves. Family ties become strained because they don’t fully understand us. CareerConstantly unsure of our paths. Everyone else seems to be doing better. We don’t love our jobs. We...