How you age is how your parents age I turned 44 last week. I am not into celebrating birthdays, so most years, it is a simple and quiet affair with family. As was this year. We went for a nice high-tea affair: Ruchi, the kids, Ma, Papa, my sister, and brother-in-law. As I was dropping Ma and Papa back home, my mom wished me happy birthday again and then asked a cute question."Kitne saal ka ho gaya hai tu?" (How old are you now?)"44," I replied. I think that hit her. That morning, Ma sent a...
13 days ago • 4 min read
The answers to these 7 questions can change your life 1. The two-week test The way you have lived your life in the last 2 weeks; if you live the rest of your life the same way, will your life become better or worse? Our daily habits are the building blocks of our future selves. (Share on X) 2. Fear vs. desireIs there something you are afraid of doing because of the world, but you really want to do it? Our deepest desires often hide behind our biggest fears. (Share on X) 3. Unspoken words If...
20 days ago • 2 min read
Compounding needs this very basic thing Whenever I talk about compounding money, I feel sorry for all the 20-year-olds listening to it. Because you have NO IDEA what I am talking about. Actually, that is not true. You have an idea. You have a theoretical idea of what compounding is. You know what the graph looks like. But you have NO IDEA what it actually feels like. I just created a video on how I made my first crore. Today, my investments in the stock market are around 10Cr. My expenses in...
27 days ago • 3 min read
Find your number... It was May 2003, and my parents, at 50, decided to buy their first home in Delhi NCR. After 20 years of renting and moving every few years, they were tired. They found a house in Faridabad for 10L - a hefty sum back then. They managed to secure an 8L loan, but at a steep interest rate because no bank would lend them that kind of money. Life threw us a curveball in August 2004. Papa lost his job. At 50, finding work wasn't easy, so he started his own business. But it...
about 1 month ago • 4 min read
13 years in the making I registered a company in 2011. Teaching is something that I had loved all through the years and I knew that someday, I would end up doing it as a daily affair. I just didn't know when. I started creating content online in 2017.Stepped down as the CEO of my startup in 2019; figuring out what to do next. March 2020 happened - all of us were locked up in our houses. And it was during this period that I started teaching online. My first online session had 35 students.Last...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Don't be afraid of nothing! “I hate my job, but at least I have a salary coming every month.” “I hate this relationship, but at least I am not single, like most others.” “I am not enjoying my college at all, but at least I will have a degree at the end of it.” “I am not happy where I am in life, but at least I have something!” “Something is better than nothing.”THIS is the worst lie sold to the world. We are lying to ourselves that our sorry state of affairs is going to magically lead us to...
about 2 months ago • 3 min read
Happiness is not a destination. It is a choice! 90% of people put their life and happiness on hold. “When I make money, I will be happy.” “When I get a job, I will be settled.” “When I find a partner, I will not feel lonely.” “When I pass that interview, everything will be okay.” “When I have enough, I will start investing.” When I… Here is the uncomfortable truth:If you aren’t happy with the small things you have, you will NEVER be happy with the big things, even if you get them. It is quite...
about 2 months ago • 3 min read
3 lessons that last week taught me We, @wariCrew, just came back from our 11th offsite. A trek to Bhrigu Lake, Himachal. 14,000 feet! The first trek experience for nearly everyone. We are shaken by the experience. It was unlike anything we had done before in our lives. 4 days. No showers. Water-less bio toilets.No internet or network. 2 sets of clothes. Sleeping in a pouch. Near zero degrees. Walking for 4-6 hrs every day. Climbing mountains. Walking on snow. Here are 3 things this experience...
2 months ago • 4 min read
Your network is your net worth I was speaking to my mentee, who is in her last week of college. I asked how she was feeling about leaving the place. "It is bittersweet. I am excited about stepping out into the real world. But I can't help but wonder - did I make the most of this opportunity?" To which, I responded:"Asking this question will not help. Even if you didn't make the most of it, you can't undo it now. Here is a better question - How can I make the most of this opportunity in the...
2 months ago • 3 min read