7 intensely hard questions to ask yourself

The answers to these 7 questions can change your life

1. The two-week test
The way you have lived your life in the last 2 weeks; if you live the rest of your life the same way, will your life become better or worse?
Our daily habits are the building blocks of our future selves.

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2. Fear vs. desire
Is there something you are afraid of doing because of the world, but you really want to do it?
Our deepest desires often hide behind our biggest fears.
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3. Unspoken words
If you die tomorrow, is there a person whom you wanted to tell something, but could never tell them? What do you want to tell them?
Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Speak your truth today.

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4. Life's true priority
In the remaining time you have left on Earth, what is the most important thing for you? And do you work towards it every day?
Our actions, not our intentions, define our priorities.

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5. The parent paradox
How many times did you meet your parents in the last month? And in the time they have left, how many more times can you meet them? Will that be enough for you?
Time with loved ones is a finite resource. Spend it wisely.

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6. The paralysis of potential loss
Is there anything that you don’t want to do because you are afraid of losing?
Sometimes, the fear of losing prevents us from ever winning.

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7. Identity stripped bare
Without your name, your designation, and your status, tell me who you are. And did you like this answer?
Our truest self exists beyond our social constructs.

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These questions forced me and will force you to confront uncomfortable truths about your life, relationships, and identity. They aren't just thought experiments; they are catalysts for change.

What's the toughest question you've ever asked yourself?

Question of the week

If, for your work, you could choose only ONE option (assume growth, learning, role, designation etc all the same), which one would you choose?
Assume salary is 100 for hybrid work (2 days in the office, 3 days working from home)

  • Work from home, at 20% salary
  • Work from the office, at 20% higher salary

(and see the results of others, too)

Results of last week's question

I am kinda happy to see this. Most people are okay with lower-quality teaching as long as they get to make friends, form connections, build a network, and experience college life.
Which is how it should be!
It is interesting how with increasing age, the choice of online college increases.
I like that 20% odd are ready to consider no college, but a place to connect. Would be fascinating if that happened.


3 pics from last week

We visited Kazakhstan for the long 5-day weekend (our first time) and it was stunning. Gorgeous country, warm, helpful people, and terrific food. Perfect combination :))
Here are 3 pics that aim to capture the beauty of the country (but do not do justice).
For those interested, here is our 5-day itinerary for Kazakhstan.

2 quotes I wish to share

Some parents make it hard for their kids by making it easy.

Indians want to earn 10 Crores so that they can put it in an FD.

1 new thing I learnt this week

Horror films often include infrasound, which is below the audible range for humans.
Even though we can’t hear it, our bodies can detect it, causing anxiety, palpitations, and tremors.
PS: I HATE horror movies. Absolutely hate them, lol.

🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:Mutual Fund Investing - LIVE demo

📱 Instagram: My wife was way out of my league

🐥 Twitter: I love passive investing

🎧 Podcast: Leadership

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Duniya mein kitni khoobsurati hai, uski kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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