Don't blame the emotions

Your emotions are not good or bad

If fear can motivate you without paralysing you, be fearful.
If doubt can refine your ideas without stopping you, be doubtful.
If anxiety can sharpen your focus without overwhelming you, be anxious.
If sadness can deepen your empathy without consuming you, be sad.

Emotions are not negative or positive.
Our actions stemming from those emotions are.
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Book I am reading this week

Finished reading Four Thousand Weeks (Time Management for Mortals) by Oliver Burkeman.

It is the kind of book that I would have liked to write about time management.
It is easy to read, very joyful, and doesn't give a lot of solutions - but forces you to think hard about the problem.
Highly recommended for those struggling to manage time!

My 3rd book, Make Epic Money, has sold 1,20,000+ copies in India with a 4.4+ rating. You can buy it in Hindi, English, Marathi, Audio, and Kindle here.
The book has also been converted into a video course (in Hindi and English) - that you can read about here.

Here is an alphabetical list of all books I have shared in this newsletter so far.

Question of the week

If you had to pay someone Rs. 2 lakhs per month (increasing every year, adjusted for inflation) absolutely free - without doing any work, what would you want them to do for the rest of their life? Which of these statements will you pick?

  • Stop working/studying - just chill
  • Continue working/studying what they are doing right now, but with no pressure now
  • Do something for society
  • Refuse the money - nothing should ever come for free

(and see the results of others, too)

Results of last week's question

Hardly anyone will want to chill - thank God :))
Below 30, most folks would want to continue doing what they were doing.
Post that age, most people will want to pick something else. It is only with age you realise this.

My response?
I will continue working/studying what I am doing right now - plus I feel no pressure :))


3 pics from last week

Are you someone who needs to cover their feet while sleeping, or cover everything else except the feet? Haha!

11 years back, my best buddies gifted me this poster: "Do Epic Shit".
Became a life motto after that :))

16 years back, I was announcing on Facebook that Google Chrome has launched, haha!
Facebook was a different world.

2 quotes I wish to share

If you want to be successful, have a purpose that is defined by the world.
If you want to feel successful, trust yourself to come up with that purpose.

Your contentment is the loudest statement you'll ever make.

1 new thing I learnt this week

This isn't new but I discovered some new elements of it this week.
The Cosmic Calendar.
If the entire Universe's age of ~14 billion is crunched in a calendar year, at what date and time did things happen?
1st Jan - Big Bang happened.
26 Jan - The first galaxies were formed.
16 Mar - Milky Way (our galaxy) was formed.
2 Sep - Our Solar System was formed.
21 Sep - First life appears on Earth.
30 Sep - Photosynthesis starts.
29 Oct - Oxygen appears in the atmosphere.
25 Dec - Dinosaurs arrive.
27 Dec - Birds arrive.
28 Dec - Flowers emerge.
31 Dec 2:24 pm: The first form of humans emerge.
31 Dec 11:52 pm: The current form of humans emerge.
31 Dec 11:59:32: Agriculture starts.
31 Dec 11:59:59: The last 450 years happen!

Insane how we take our life so seriously and yet so much has happened before us!

🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:1 Cr Mindset!

📱 Instagram: Don't Give Up

🐥 Twitter: Good people pay a big price

🎧 Podcast: 10 Ways

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Din mein sukoon se sunset dekh paane ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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