Do you know who you are?

Achieving mental freedom

A lot of people struggle with mental peace.
Their mind is always active, overthinking, anxious, and overworking.
It rarely settles.
We want peace.
But our mind craves activity.

How does one handle this?

An effective way, in my experience of achieving mental freedom and peace, is to truly know who you are.

We often do not know who we are.
We see ourselves through the eyes of others.
Our image of who we are is determined by what people say about us. Or how people have dealt with us.

There is a beautiful quote that says:
"I am not who I think I am.
I am not who you think I am.
I am what I think you think I am. "

In other words, our self-image is determined by our understanding of what others think of us.

What if that were to change?
What if we were to truly find out who we are?
By sitting with ourselves.
Facing our thoughts.
As scary as they are.
And reasoning with them.
"Why do I feel fear?"
"Why do I feel jealousy?"
"Why do I feel unloved?"
The answers to these questions are not what you want to hear.
But the answers to these questions are what you NEED to hear.

Once you truly know yourself, no one can ever touch you!
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Book I am reading this week

Started reading The Learning Game by Ana Lorena Fábrega.

The book wonderfully questions the current education system and how it is not setting up our kids for success. As someone who thinks actively about education, I found the book quite interesting in its ideas and approach.
A question that I am consumed by is, "What will the university of tomorrow look like?" And the more I read such books, the more ideas I gather around the potential answer.
Great book for parents, educators, and anyone who cares and thinks about education.

My 3rd book, Make Epic Money, has sold 1,26,000+ copies in India with a 4.4+ rating. You can buy it in Hindi, English, Marathi, Audio, and Kindle here.
The book has also been converted into a video course (in Hindi and English) - that you can check out here.

Here is an alphabetical list of all books I have shared in this newsletter so far.

Question of the week

Where are you, on this matrix, with your career?

  • Career Jackpot
  • Passion Pursuit
  • Golden Cage
  • Career Crisis
  • Not working right now

(and see the results of others, too)

Results of last week's question

Younger people don't want to feel the pressure. Elderly folks want people to do something for society.
What's interesting is how the older folks also increasingly want people to refuse the money. Interesting :))

My response?
I would want them to do something for society, now that their needs are taken care of.


3 pics from last week

Lovely sunset skies last week, from our balcony :)))

I have to admit - I love malls. I love retail, in general. Maybe that's why I loved working at as well.
This is one of the most prominent malls in Delhi on a Sunday.

Met Harish yesterday at The Big Chill. He doesn't own a smartphone, so he said, "I can't get a picture clicked with you."
I said, "I will click a picture instead." He had a lovely smile all through the afternoon, was extremely helpful, and he told me he started investing after watching YouTube videos. Excited for him :))

2 quotes I wish to share

Strict parents end up raising good liars.

The hardest thing in the world is to be truly happy for someone else’s success.
That’s a true friend, right there!

1 new thing I learnt this week

Luhn's algorithm is how credit card numbers are validated; as to whether they are correct or not.
1. Starting from the rightmost digit (excluding the check digit), double every second digit.
2. If doubling a digit results in a number greater than 9, subtract 9 from the result.
3. Sum up all the digits, including the undoubled digits and the results from step 2.
4. If the total sum is divisible by 10 (i.e., the sum modulo 10 is 0), the credit card number is valid according to the Luhn algorithm.

For example: the credit card number 4003 6000 0000 0014:

Double every second digit from right to left:
1x2 + 0x2 + 0x2 + 0x2 + 0x2 + 6x2 + 0x2 + 4x2
= 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 0 + 8
Sum the digits (note that 12 becomes 1+2):
2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 13
Add this sum to the sum of the digits that weren't doubled:
13 + (4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 0) = 20
The result (20) is divisible by 10, so the card number is valid.

🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:Plan your retirement with an excel sheet

📱 Instagram: Learn to say no

🐥 Twitter: 20 books that taught me more than school and college

🎧 Podcast: 10,000

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Baarish mein khidki ke paas baithe rehne ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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