It is not your fault

Compounding needs this very basic thing

Whenever I talk about compounding money, I feel sorry for all the 20-year-olds listening to it.
Because you have NO IDEA what I am talking about.
Actually, that is not true.
You have an idea.
You have a theoretical idea of what compounding is.
You know what the graph looks like.
But you have NO IDEA what it actually feels like.

I just created a video on how I made my first crore.
Today, my investments in the stock market are around 10Cr.
My expenses in life are around 50L per year.
Which means, even if my investments were to grow by 12% every year, it would make 1.2Cr in just returns, and I would get 1Cr in post-tax returns — twice as much of what I spend in life per year!

Oh - but important disclaimer.
I am 44!
I am assuming I am much older than you are.
And you know what that means?
I have SEEN how compounding works.
I have seen it work with money, I have seen it work with skills, with relationships, and with knowledge.
I have seen how compounding works.

You haven't!
For no fault of yours.
Simply because you are young.
You haven't had time.

So now, you have two choices:
1) Either blindly believe in the concept of compounding and start early.
Start investing early, start learning early, and start building meaningful relationships early.

2) Or try to bypass compounding.
By taking stupid risks.
By thinking you can get there faster.
By being blind to risks, while getting excited by returns.

What will you choose?

Book I am reading this week

Still reading "Anger Management: The Troubled Diplomatic Relationship between India and Pakistan".
Quite a gripping narration of the series of events that have led India and Pakistan to be where we are today, in terms of our relationship.
The writing is solid, the details are fascinating, and the storytelling is gripping. Highly recommend if you love history, politics, and real-life stories.

My 3rd book, Make Epic Money, has sold 1,20,000+ copies in India with a 4.4+ rating. You can buy it in Hindi, English, Marathi, Audio, and Kindle here.
The book has also been converted into a video course (in Hindi and English) - that you can read about here.

Here is an alphabetical list of all books I have shared in this newsletter so far.

Question of the week

If, for your college, you could choose ONLY ONE of these options, which one would you choose?

Assume that the outcome of all 3 options below is the same - whether job or learning etc.

  • A mediocre college (in terms of teaching) with an amazing campus
  • A terrific college (in terms of teaching) but only online
  • No college, instead a local centre in your city where you hang out with other students

(and see the results of others, too)

Results of last week's question

Ok ok, understood! Salary increment it is! :))
Not much difference across ages - so clearly something that is all across.
My response
If I were working with a company, I would want a different profile. Just some excitement in life :))


3 pics from last week

Was in Dubai last week and loved the breakfast I had access to - greek yogurt, muesli, nuts, and fruits. Yummy :)))

Who buys from these airport stores? They seem always empty!

In Chennai today for an event. 5th trip this year. LOVE the food here :))

2 quotes I wish to share

A still body decays.
A still mind prospers.

Choose your still.

Time passes by. And leaves you with either results or regret.

1 new thing I learnt this week

A 4-year-old, on average, asks 437 questions per day and smiles/laughs approx. 48 times a day.
An adult, on average, asks 18 questions per day and smiles/laughs 2 times a day.
Both curiosity and happiness.
Tragic :((

🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:Should you buy at every dip?

📱 Instagram: Genuine friendship

🐥 Twitter: 20 signs that you are doing better than you think you are

🎧 Podcast: Emotions

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Chennai ki garmi mein thandi thandi saumdar ki hawaa ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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