
warikoo Wanderings

23 ways to live 2023

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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My new book - Get Epic Shit Done - is now out. Amazon India, Audible (worldwide), Kindle (worldwide), KukuFM, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon UAE and all retail stores across the country.
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23 WAYS TO LIVE 2023

  1. Compliment someone once a day.
  2. Contribute at least 20 hours each week towards your learning.
  3. Meditate at least 15 minutes everyday.
  4. Every morning, stand in front of the mirror, and smile.
  5. Travel on a light budget.
  6. Read for 15 minutes every day.
  7. Automate your investments.
  8. Call a friend every week.
  9. Journal everyday.
  10. Be kind on social media.
  11. Live 1 day/month where you do not complain about anything.
  12. Say ‘I love you’ to your loved ones.
  13. Start a hobby.
  14. Go to a new place and don’t click any photo.
  15. Nurture a plant.
  16. Write letters.
  17. Pay 100% of your monthly credit card bills.
  18. Unfollow all toxic people from your life.
  19. Make your bed after waking up.
  20. Never go to sleep with an argument still unresolved.
  21. Ask questions, and listen.
  22. Exercise/walk for 30 minutes daily.
  23. Document your decisions.

Which one are you going to follow?

My second book GET EPIC SHIT DONE has launched!
It is available on Amazon India, Audible (worldwide), Kindle (worldwide), KukuFM, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon UAE and all retail stores across the country.


The presence of money can make you happy. The chase of money will make you unhappy!
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The fastest way to learn is to teach.
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You don’t have to read books. You have to enjoy books.
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Last week I asked you:

Do you celebrate 31st December?

  1. Yes, at home
  2. Yes, by going outside
  3. Yes, by travelling
  4. No

For most of you, celebrating NY Eve seems like just another house party. Very few (<15%) go out either in their own city or outside.

What is interesting is the share of folks who do celebrate. Seems to grow with age, while still remaining at home.

My answer:
I do not celebrate NY Eve. Have not been doing it for the past 7-8 years now. At nearbuy, NY Eve used to be our biggest business day, so I used to be monitoring that. Post nearbuy, we tend to sleep by 930pm, like any other normal day. It was the same this year too :)


Catching the new year sun - wishing you all a wonderful 2023 :))


If you went to the casino, your friend gave you Rs. 50 and you won Rs. 1,00,000 from it. How much would you give your friend?

  1. Rs. 50,000
  2. Rs. 50
  3. Between Rs. 50 - Rs. 10,000
  4. Between Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 50,000
  5. Nothing

​Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)​​​​


Kahaan hai ye passion
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

23 resolutions for 2023

3 selfish ways to live

My top 10 books of 2022

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(New year mein wazan ghataane ki kasmon ki kasam)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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