3 simple things for your mental health

Here is what I do for my mental health

3 things that I eliminated from my life:

  1. All forms of video news consumption.
    All news that I consume is in text format (newspaper or Twitter/X). Video doesn't have to work too hard to manipulate us.
  2. Friends who keep complaining.
    Anyone who complains simply sucks energy out of you and makes you a pessimist. Avoid!
  3. Restricting social media to a maximum of 1hr/day.
    Social media algorithms are designed to titillate; to provoke. I have time limits for every app.

3 things that I have added to my life:

  1. Meditation every day for 30 mins.
    I have been doing it for 7+ years now. Game changer, especially when you start your day with it.
  2. Physical activity every day.
    Nothing helps mental health more than physical activity (research). I play tennis and work out every day.
  3. Healthy organic diet.
    Eating right has such a huge impact on one's health. Protein-rich food. Less fat and less sugar. Almost no ordering from outside. Eating out is highly limited. And eating as much organic (chemical-free) food as you can.

3 things that I have continued to do in my life:

  1. Family time.
    If you have a lovely family as your support, you will almost always have a reason to be at peace or know that even this hard time you are experiencing will be over.
  2. Reading.
    Reading gives me perspective. It broadens my horizons. It helps me enter someone's mind instead of simply living in my own.
  3. Writing.
    Writing allows me to express what I am feeling. It needn't be journaling. It could be any form of writing, as long as you are taking what's in your mind and converting it into text.

What are the things that have worked for you?

HelpClub - where anonymity meets help

Help is the single biggest way our civilisation has moved ahead.
It is the biggest way you will move ahead.
But you hesitate.
Because asking for help comes with a lot of unwanted things - shame, fear, embarrassment, sometimes even stigma.
I am trying to change that.
HelpClub is an app where you can ask for help anonymously. And help people anonymously.
People are using it for fascinating reasons - mental health, relationships, careers, etc.

Check out the kind of help people are asking for and receiving! It is fascinating.

Book I am reading this week

Still reading Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents
It is one of the best books I have picked up lately. Rich in data and insights, it explains why we see different generations behave so differently. While all of it is US data and US culture, I find myself extrapolating the insights into the Indian context and finding similarities or differences. Goldmine of a book!

Here is a list of all the books I have shared in this newsletter so far (in alphabetical order).

Results of last week's survey

What is the most important thing for you, when it comes to your career?

  • Money
  • Career growth
  • Work-life balance
  • Job security
  • Mentoring

Here are the results:

Before starting to work, career growth is the most important. Money is a close second.
After working, work-life balance becomes most important. And keeps increasing with age.
Followed by career growth. Money becomes a distant third.

My response:
When I started it was money. 100%.
In my 30s, it became growth.
In my 40s, it is now work-life balance.

Quotes to share

Do you want to be happy? Or do you want to look happy? Often, their paths are very different.

In your life, you will meet people who grew a lot and those who just didn’t. In the end, you will realize both of these kinds left you with a lesson.

There is nothing more painful than staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.

📸 My week, in pictures

In this section, I share my week in pictures, for those who do not like to read as much as I write :))
I do so not to show how cool a life I live, but instead to show you what are the highlights of every day. As you will see over time, my days are mostly in repeat mode - the same things, but different experiences from them.

We had travelled to our favourite place in the hills last week. Posting pictures from there.
It is called Himalaica and it's absolutely stunning - especially the food by Prakash bhaiya, the chef (check last pic).




And here is Prakash bhaiya. Unreal talent as a chef :)

That's it for the week in pictures. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead, all of you lovelies :)))

Question of the week

What is the hardest thing for you, when it comes to your career?

  • Not enough money
  • Not enough growth
  • Not enough work-life balance
  • Not enough mentoring
  • Not enough jobs

(and see the results of others, too)

🎙️ Podcast I shared last week

🚀 Content I shared this week

📹 YouTube:

Complete financial planning in Rs. 25,000

📱 Instagram:

I don't understand my parents

🐥 X:

The unusual hiring process that has worked wonders for 10+ years

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Dilli 50 degree touch karne ke darr ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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