How did you earn your first earning?

Your first earning

I grew up in the 1980s/90s when the only path to earning money was finishing school and college, getting a job, and earning a salary.
Yes, one could make money giving tuition (which I did), but that was more or less it.
In India, we don't have a culture of odd jobs, such as students working in cafes.
The concept of internships was not known.
And the Internet wasn't a thing!

The world, today, is a fascinatingly different one.

You have the internet, you have AI, you have smartphones, and you have opportunities.
You have all that it takes to earn predictably and become financially independent!

Which is why, not surprisingly, every day I come across young adults - as young as 15/16yrs - earning online. Sitting in the comfort of their home, connected to the world through their phone or PC, and serving a global audience through their skills - whether freelancing or selling something.

And I genuinely believe that such a form of earning is immensely valuable.
It teaches you sales, marketing, pricing, how to gather feedback and most importantly, financial discipline.

Which is why, I have come up with a challenge for you.

I call it HUSTLE100: 30 days to earn your first $100

The idea is - in 30 days, how can you earn your first online income?

  1. I will teach you how to identify your freelancing skills and market them.
  2. I will teach you how to sell something online if you wish to start your own business.
  3. I will then challenge you to earn money online!

For all those who finish this challenge, there are insane prizes to be won.
MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPhone 15, lunch with me, 1:1 consultation with me.

I would love for you to join this challenge and share it with those who might benefit from it.

Book I am reading this week

I am travelling this week, so a little slow in my reading pace.
Still reading
Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents
The book explains why we see different generations behave so differently. It is giving me some very fresh insights into my own content, given that I create a lot for Gen Z and Millennials.

Here is a list of all the books I have shared in this newsletter so far (in alphabetical order).

Results of last week's survey

What is the hardest thing for you, when it comes to your career?

  • Not enough money
  • Not enough growth
  • Not enough work-life balance
  • Not enough mentoring
  • Not enough jobs

Here are the results:

Before starting to work, the availability of jobs and money is the hardest thing. Then, it becomes mentoring. And finally, work-life balance.
That is the natural trajectory of everyone's career.
Which should tell you that everyone goes through the same cycle - you are not alone. Don't think you are the dumb one finding it hard to get the jobs at the right salary early on.

My response:
When I started, it was the right learning.
Still remains the same.

Quotes to share

You had a purpose before everyone else had an opinion.

Nobody works harder than a person who doesn't like asking people for anything.

Success is not happiness. Happiness is success.

📸 My week, in pictures

In this section, I share my week in pictures, for those who do not like to read as much as I write :))
I do so not to show how cool a life I live, but instead to show you what are the highalights of every day. As you will see over time, my days are mostly in repeat mode - the same things, but different experiences from them.

We, as a family, are travelling in Japan right now for 2 weeks.
I have been documenting the journey on Instagram - which you can check out on my profile page.

Some pics from the trip below:

That's it for the week in pictures. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead, all of you lovelies :)))

Question of the week

Which aspect of your career do you wish school/college taught you about?
This is an open-ended question - would love to know your response here.

🎙️ Podcast I shared last week

🚀 Content I shared this week

📹 YouTube:

How to pay off all your loans?

📱 Instagram:

This is your life

🐥 X:

Compounding in real life

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Japan ke discipline ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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