Last week hit me hard

3 lessons that last week taught me

We, @wariCrew, just came back from our 11th offsite.
A trek to Bhrigu Lake, Himachal.
14,000 feet!

The first trek experience for nearly everyone.
We are shaken by the experience.
It was unlike anything we had done before in our lives.

4 days.
No showers.
Water-less bio toilets.
No internet or network.
2 sets of clothes.
Sleeping in a pouch.
Near zero degrees.
Walking for 4-6 hrs every day.
Climbing mountains.
Walking on snow.

Here are 3 things this experience taught me:

1/ How little do we truly need in life

The trek was a zero-waste trek.
No showers.
No disposables (we carried our own tiffin boxes and were served food in them).
No internet connection.
No screens.
No smoking, drinking, or any other intoxicants.
Just a water bottle, change of clothes for 4 days, a small tent for 2 people, and basic food.

And yet, everyone was happy. At peace.

2/ Following other's footsteps isn't all that bad

When you trek, you follow a trail.
A path that has been laid out by someone else.
It's a path that has been walked upon.
And if you follow that, it is usually the safest and most predictable way to reach your destination.

We trekked in the snow.
With the summers on, it had started melting and the snow was slippery.
Imagine climbing up a melting snow mountain.
So we put our foot in the exact spot that the person ahead of us had.
Because that spot lent us stability.
We all reached the summit.
We all were winners.

This brings me to the most important realization of all...

3/ You reach the same destination only to discover that it was the journey that defined you.

Everyone reached the summit.
The exact same summit.
But everyone's journey was different.
Everyone's mental and physical challenges were different.
Everyone's conversations with themselves were different.
Who they became in the process was different.

We all think of different destinations for ourselves.
"I will get a better phone than them, a bigger house than them, more money than them, more expensive brands than them."

That isn't what sets us apart.
It's who we become in the process that sets us apart.

Would I trek again? Maybe.
Did it change me? Definitely!

PS: Pictures below

Our latest course: Launching A Courses Business

If you are a teacher or someone who likes to teach - I would highly recommend you to consider launching a courses business.
An online approach to teaching that can reach students across the world and generate income for you; all while working from home.
It is genuinely the most rewarding feeling! Something that I experience every day at WebVeda.

Our latest course helps you understand the specifics of launching a course business.
Everything from designing the curriculum and picking a platform to pricing, delivering, community building, and growth.

It is the same playbook that we have used to generate 70Cr of revenue in 3.5 years of launching WebVeda.

Check out the course - it comes with a 14-day refund policy.

Book I am reading this week

Finished reading "Measure What Matters: The Simple Idea That Drives 10X Growth" by John Doerr.
Highly recommended for every founder and business owner. Loved it.

Also finished reading Sky High by Tarun Shukla - the story of Indigo Airlines. Amazing what they have achieved in such a short while! If you like business stories, you will love it.

My latest book, Make Epic Money, has sold 1,15,000+ copies in India with a 4.4+ rating.
It is the simplest book I know on personal finance, while I am extremely biased when I say this :))
You can buy it in Hindi, English, Marathi, Audio, and Kindle here.

Here is an alphabetical list of all books I have shared in this newsletter so far.

Question of the week

Which of these do you struggle with the most?

  • Distraction (you can't focus)
  • Procrastination (you delay doing things)
  • Lack of knowledge (you don't know what to do)
  • Lack of planning (you don't know how to do it)

(and see the results of others, too)

Results of last week's question

I believe luck matters more and I have experienced it. A lot of people work hard in life, but there is something about the right place and the right timing that seems to work more for others. I am certainly a beneficiary of it so it would be foolish of me to assume that my hard work is the reason for where I am in life. It's more luck than work!


3 pics from last week

First day of the trek at our first campsite.

The summit - Bhrigu Lake (14,009 feet) - covered over 3 days!

Last day, before heading down. Behind is Hanuman Tibba, the highest peak of the Dhauladhar Range.

2 quotes I wish to share

You can have it all, but if you don’t have your health, you really have none of it all.

Help is what you seek when you do not know the answer.
Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but wish there was a better one.

1 new thing I learnt this week

I thought disposable paper cups were environment-friendly because they decompose easily.
Yes, they are friendlier than plastic cups, which take upwards of 1,000 years to decompose.
But, even the disposable paper cups take 20+ years to decompose.
Because they are coated with polyethylene to keep the heat inside and prevent paper from getting soggy.


🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:Generate monthly income from your investments

📱 Instagram: 3 things to stop doing, to be happy

🐥 Twitter: 3 things that working out teaches you

🎧 Podcast: Fall in love

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Pahaadon mein bas samaa jaane ki feeling ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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