What is your net worth?

Your network is your net worth

I was speaking to my mentee, who is in her last week of college.

I asked how she was feeling about leaving the place.
"It is bittersweet. I am excited about stepping out into the real world. But I can't help but wonder - did I make the most of this opportunity?"

To which, I responded:
"Asking this question will not help. Even if you didn't make the most of it, you can't undo it now.

Here is a better question - How can I make the most of this opportunity in the future?
And for that, there is only one response - stay connected."

Stay connected to the network.
Our school, our college, our friends, and our colleagues.
All of them will go on to do wonderful things in life.
And they will become the BIGGEST opportunity generator in our lives.
They will connect you to people and places you cannot reach by yourself.

So, stay connected.
Help them.
Seek their help when you need it.
Check on them.
Wish and congratulate them.
Do it, not for the opportunity.
Do it to belong.
Do it because it's the right thing to do.

Our network is our net worth, only if we invest in it.
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Book I am reading this week

Still reading "Measure What Matters: The Simple Idea That Drives 10X Growth", by John Doerr.

John Doerr was one of the early investors in Google and introduced the concept of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) - objectives define what we seek to achieve and key results are how those top­ priority goals will be attained. A simple yet extremely effective way of working - not just in organizations but also in one's own life.
I am loving this book - appeals to me as a founder and a productivity geek.

Pick it up if you wish to take charge of your goals.

Also started reading Sky High by Tarun Shukla - which is the story of Indigo Airlines and how it came to dominate the Indian skies with a 50%+ market share. Quite a fascinating story. The book's writing style didn't appeal to me much, but the core story is so powerful that I finished it quite quickly.

My latest book, Make Epic Money, has sold 1,15,000+ copies in India with a 4.4+ rating.
It is the simplest book I know on personal finance, while I am extremely biased when I say this :))
You can buy it in Hindi, English, Marathi, Audio, Kindle here.

Here is an alphabetical list of all books I have shared in this newsletter so far.

5,000+ people have taken the challenge to earn their first $100 online. Will you too?

I have launched a mini 30-day challenge where I teach you how to earn online and then challenge you to earn your first $100.
It's called Hustle100.

For those clearing the challenge, there are amazing prizes to be won - MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPhone 15, lunch with me, and 1:1 with me!

5,000+ people have already registered for the challenge.

PS: This challenge is open to all. No live classes - you can consume the course at your own pace.
Students, working professionals, and those not earning - all eligible.

Question of the week

Results of last week's question:

Clearly, the external world is the main source of Personal Finance learning. I wish school and college did that job well.


3 pics from last week

The fancier the restaurant, the smaller the dish size - the most important rule of the food industry, lol!

This graph is so crazy! It gets dark before it gets bright. No?

This is my blog entry from 2005 where I was expressing regret for not finishing my PhD because it meant I won't get to teach.
It's so wonderful that life has come a full circle.

2 quotes I wish to share

What matters is - will you still be doing it when everyone else has stopped?
“Last person standing” is a strategy.

Most of what you call success was never defined by you. It was imposed on you.

1 new thing I learnt this week

Tokyo Disneyland alone generates ~31,000Cr of revenue every year.
Just that destination - with ticket sales, food, merchandise, rentals.
Just one destination.
On the other hand, PVR - India's largest entertainment company generates ~4,000Cr of revenue every year.

🎙️ My top content from last week

📹 YouTube:How can you make money on YouTube?

📱 Instagram: Confidence

🐥 Twitter: If you spend 8-10hrs before the computer screen, this is for you

🎧 Podcast: Life is simple

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Baarishon mein hare hare patte dekh kar dil khush ho jaane ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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