
warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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Something is NOT better than nothing

Don't be afraid of nothing! “I hate my job, but at least I have a salary coming every month.” “I hate this relationship, but at least I am not single, like most others.” “I am not enjoying my college at all, but at least I will have a degree at the end of it.” “I am not happy where I am in life, but at least I have something!” “Something is better than nothing.”THIS is the worst lie sold to the world. We are lying to ourselves that our sorry state of affairs is going to magically lead us to...

Happiness is not a destination. It is a choice! 90% of people put their life and happiness on hold. “When I make money, I will be happy.” “When I get a job, I will be settled.” “When I find a partner, I will not feel lonely.” “When I pass that interview, everything will be okay.” “When I have enough, I will start investing.” When I… Here is the uncomfortable truth:If you aren’t happy with the small things you have, you will NEVER be happy with the big things, even if you get them. It is quite...

3 lessons that last week taught me We, @wariCrew, just came back from our 11th offsite. A trek to Bhrigu Lake, Himachal. 14,000 feet! The first trek experience for nearly everyone. We are shaken by the experience. It was unlike anything we had done before in our lives. 4 days. No showers. Water-less bio toilets.No internet or network. 2 sets of clothes. Sleeping in a pouch. Near zero degrees. Walking for 4-6 hrs every day. Climbing mountains. Walking on snow. Here are 3 things this experience...

Your network is your net worth I was speaking to my mentee, who is in her last week of college. I asked how she was feeling about leaving the place. "It is bittersweet. I am excited about stepping out into the real world. But I can't help but wonder - did I make the most of this opportunity?" To which, I responded:"Asking this question will not help. Even if you didn't make the most of it, you can't undo it now. Here is a better question - How can I make the most of this opportunity in the...

I received an email yesterday which broke my heart Here is the email (trigger alert - this email can cause a lot of distress by simply reading it!) Imagine:Salary - 1.2L pm.Gets 20K pm support from brother.Takes 30K pm pension amount from mother. BUT, has a 25L loan. 12L credit card debt. Personal loan of 17L with 36K EMI. Home loan of 70K EMI. This is not a rare case. This is a common phenomenon. Easy access to credit. Family’s pressure to buy a house in the 20s itself. Society’s pressure of...

Failure is NOT the stepping stone to success When people say that failure is the stepping stone to success, that's a lie. Here is why:Everyone fails in the world.If failure was indeed the stepping stone to success, everyone who failed would eventually succeed. But not everyone succeeds. There is clearly something between success and failure that makes success happen.That is reflection.Failure + Reflection = Success After every failure, sit down and ask yourself 3 questions: What did I believe...

Compounding isn't always about money May 2024 was the best month for us at wariCrew — on YouTube and Instagram both. On YouTube, we reached our highest ever watch-time (total duration for which people have watched our content). It was 911,000+ hours!! We added 165,000+ subscribers in the month. It took us 3.5yrs to get to our first 165K subscribers :)) On Instagram, our content reached the highest number of accounts ever - 30Mn! We added 187,000+ followers in the month. It took us 3.9yrs to...

Your first earning I grew up in the 1980s/90s when the only path to earning money was finishing school and college, getting a job, and earning a salary. Yes, one could make money giving tuition (which I did), but that was more or less it. In India, we don't have a culture of odd jobs, such as students working in cafes. The concept of internships was not known. And the Internet wasn't a thing! The world, today, is a fascinatingly different one. You have the internet, you have AI, you have...

Here is what I do for my mental health 3 things that I eliminated from my life: All forms of video news consumption. All news that I consume is in text format (newspaper or Twitter/X). Video doesn't have to work too hard to manipulate us. Friends who keep complaining.Anyone who complains simply sucks energy out of you and makes you a pessimist. Avoid! Restricting social media to a maximum of 1hr/day.Social media algorithms are designed to titillate; to provoke. I have time limits for every...

What makes a workplace toxic or not? 5 signs that your workplace is toxic: You are disrespected as a person. Your manager's unpredictable reactions make you fearful of approaching them. Your mistakes are called names but it is not explained where you faltered. Politics is the way to gain power in the organisation. Your colleagues constantly undermine each other's efforts, creating a culture of competition rather than collaboration. In short, you feel constant tension and anxiety, are unable...